Donald Recurring

Feature-length comedy 90-100 minutes

This was my final project for my university degree, and probably the best thing I have ever done, mainly because it was so massively, massively hard and complicated a story to write (that was the idea, stupidly.) I’m very proud of this script, and I think it could be a great movie if I was better at e-mailing people.


Donald, a quantum physicist in the midst of an existential crisis, and Greg, an agoraphobic copyright infringer in the midst of an enjoyable, ongoing cannabis session (about a decade so far), share a flat. Due to personal differences, it’s difficult anyway. It gets harder, however, when identical clones of Donald start turning up at the same time each and every day, and harder still when it turns out those clones also inconveniently, instantly die upon eye contact. Not ideal. Neither is the sudden appearance of a mysterious blacked-out van that lurks outside the building, kindling paranoia, trapping them in the increasingly busy apartment or else stalking their every move… Donald Recurring is a dark comedy that asks difficult questions about identity, death, the universe and whether having sex with a clone of yourself would be gay or just an elaborate wank.

Click here to read an extract of the script.